Why be stupid?

We can do real magic, Ltd.

Wizards of the East, s.r.o. is a different kind of company. Why? Our guiding principle is based on Aurora, all of them. Aurora is a homonym (one word meaning different things).

Aurora is the Goddess of Sunrise. Aurora is the Morning Star (we like morningstars as well).

Aurora is the ship whose shot changed the course of the world.

Aurora borealis is one of the most aesthetic naturally occuring phenomenon.

Aurora is the Indian hero who saved Bangladeshis from Pakistani military genocide.

We like them all, that is why we are Wizards of the East.

Wizards of the East, s.r.o. was symbolically launched on February 2, 2022; exactly 100 years after the first publishing of Ulysses by James Joyce. We consider Joyce, Cortazár and Borges among our fellow Wizards, we respect them deeply and follow their symbolic guidance.

Founder and CEO

PhDr. et Mgr. Kryštof Přemysl Kozák, PhD.

Krystof is a man of many hats. And innovative ideas related to them. He has experience both from the academic world (Charles University, Fulbright Scholarship) and the business world (worked at Scio, partially owns Loris Games). Wizards of the East is thus a project that is theoretically and methodologically well-grounded in the New Renaissance paradigm change, but at the same time meant to deliver tangible results, with key performance indicators under continuous scrutiny.

One of our company mottos is: Those who become stressed out, lose the race even before the starting shot. Therefore, we are focused on delivering high-quality, thoroughly tested products, without stress. Time was, is and will be always on our side. We are Wizards, after all.


Wizards of the East, s.r.o.

Email: info@wizardsoftheeast.com

Phone: +420 608 477 485 (24/7 hotline)

Address: Dobrovského 36, Prague 7, 170 00, Czech Republic

Identification number: 14226952

Founder and CEO: PhDr. et Mgr. Kryštof Přemysl Kozák, PhD.

Personal email: Krystof.Kozak@WizardsOfTheEast.com